Massachusetts Parenting Schedule Attorneys Helping Clients Create Solid Parenting Plans

Parenting schedules can serve as an essential tool for divorced couples sharing custody of their children. Even when parents get along, it’s good to have a foundational plan just in case any disagreements pop up later. A detailed parenting plan is even more important when parents have trouble coming to agreements. A parenting schedule helps lay out a guideline for when the children will spend time with each of their parents, so everyone involved knows what to expect. It helps protect each parent’s relationship with the child while giving a child stability. With over 35 combined years of exclusive family law experience, our attorneys at O’Connor Family Law can help create a parenting plan that takes into consideration your family’s unique situation.

Our Massachusetts parenting schedule attorneys can strategize creative solutions that promote your child’s best interests. Request your consultation by calling  774-703-3755 today.

Submitting a Proposed Visitation Schedule

The prior term for a parenting schedule was a visitation schedule. That term was done away with because both parents are equally important to a child. Regardless of the term used, the parenting schedule is meant to protect each parent’s relationship with the child. During the pendency of a divorce or custody matter, either parent can go to court on a motion for temporary orders seeking a parenting schedule to be ordered by the Judge.

If an agreement cannot be reached and the case has to be decided by the Judge, a parent in Massachusetts can submit a proposed visitation schedule to the court with the help of their lawyer. After hearing arguments from both sides, the Judge will generally take the matter under advisement and then issue an order about the parenting schedule that will be received in the mail. It is important to note that while both parents may submit their preferred plan, the judge has the final say on the arrangement, based on what the Judge determines is the child’s best interests.

There have been many instances where a Judge issues a parenting plan that does not work best for either parent. Sometimes a parent will have no choice but to go before a Judge seeking the parenting schedule he or she wants, but, often, it’s best if the schedule is worked out between the two parents as you are the ones who are going to have to live and abide by the schedule. Having an experienced attorney by your side will help you know when it’s best to settle or to bring your argument before the Court. If you can agree on a schedule, that agreement will be written down and submitted to the Judge to approve so it can be made into an order. Although the term temporary would imply that the order is not permanent, it’s important to know that, if there is not an agreement between the parents about any later changes to that schedule, a Judge will oftentimes simply adopt the temporary order into a permanent final judgment.

If you are going into Court where a temporary parenting schedule is going to be put into place, it’s extremely important to have a family law attorney with you who can guide you to ensure you are setting yourself up for the best outcome as your case moves forward. This is extremely important if there are any issues such as drug or alcohol abuse or if there has been any level of parental alienation taking place. Having a temporary order that specifically provides for increased or decreased parenting time if certain requirements are not met by specific deadlines can make a significant difference when it comes to trying to change the initial temporary schedule into a final schedule.