We know that when starting a divorce, you are generally going to feel a mix of emotions, including anger, sadness, betrayal, and sometimes even depression. Your children, just like you, can feel many of these same emotions...
After dedicating countless hours and resources to your business, the last thing you want is for a tricky divorce to end in your ex-spouse obtaining ownership of your most important and valuable asset. Whether the business was...
For divorcing spouses who are not high conflict, mediation is oftentimes seen as a more ideal way to go through the divorce process than by litigating. Because it generally involves less conflict, mediation is generally...
Millions of people live with their romantic partner but are not married. If you are living in an arrangement like this, creating a cohabitation agreement could protect you in the future. Cohabitation agreements are similar...
If you and your ex were able to agree upon the terms of your Separation Agreement (or Divorce Agreement) without having to spend a great deal of time or effort fighting each other, that’s wonderful! If it took a bit of...
The anticipated revision to the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines was recently released, which brings about some big changes but also leaves some of the same questions hanging around that the prior guidelines did not...