If you are going through a divorce and you and your former spouse have children, ensuring that their financial needs are met is generally of utmost concern. There can be a wide variety of factors to consider when preparing a...
What Do I Want to Eat? Hello and welcome! This section of the O’Connor Family Law Newsletter is called Cooking for One, and this is our first edition! (Cue victory music). Primarily, we’re going to explore a lot of...
“I will have nowhere to go if I get a restraining order against my abuser.” This is a phrase we have heard more than once. People often wonder why other people who are suffering from domestic abuse remain with their...
A divorce is an emotionally draining period for all parties involved, even when both spouses agree to end their marriage. One of the most contentious subjects of divorce settlements is the division of debt. Depending upon the...
For many people who suffer at the hands of their abuser, home is not a safe place. Home is a dangerous place where they have to be careful what they say, what they do, what body language they send off, or how their tone of...
Note: The Pro Bono Pandemic program previously offered by our firm has concluded. If you are currently looking for pro bono family law services or financial assistance, please consult our list of legal resources to determine...
While some individuals keep their married name after divorce, others decide to change it as part of their transition into a new stage of their life. If you would like to learn how to change your name after divorce, it is...
When a divorcing couple has children, one of the biggest concerns these individuals often face is what is covered under child support payments. This is understandable because, most families now have two working parents, which...
A Summary of Probate and Family Court Standing Order 2-20 and Related Issues HOW LONG WILL MY DIVORCE CASE TAKE? The court process can seem to take an incredibly long time when you have issues that are causing trouble and...
When a parent struggles with substance abuse, their ability to provide a safe and stable environment may be called into question. Substance abuse can significantly impact child custody decisions, as courts prioritize the best...